My mom requested me to help her make cupcakes for her friend's daughter small wedding ceremony (nikah) at the mosque on Thursday (6/8/2009). It is to give away to those who were present there... My mission was to make simple cupcakes that I could store in a small container that my mom bought.. No frosting watsoever.. Hmm.. I had to make 2 types of cupcakes (50-50).Okay.. The all the time fave of my family is Nutella Frosted Cupcakes.. of cos that was on top of the list.. I wanted to the make Old Fashion Chocolate Cupcake cause I've always liked that one but the recipe was so unstable... I did 2 batches and poooff.. FAILURE!! Haiz~ It sank.. I don't understand why but I am determined to find out.. very determined.. Hmm..
Nutella Frosted Cupcakes will always makes you happy.. Cause it is a confirmed success recipe.. Heh.. Hmm.. It's actually very tiring to do.. cos of the swirling and all.. But nevertheless, will never let you down..
After completing the Nutella ones, I moved on to the next 50... After the failed 2 batches of Old Fashion, I decided to make the Neapolitan recipe except now the neapolitan is not complete without the strawberry frosting.. Hehe.. I can't frost these cupcakes as I had to put them in the container.. So it's not neapolitan anymore.. Double Trouble?? What should I name it? Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.. Yin & Yang.. Sorry.. late night lame-ness.. *rolls eyes to myself*
I wanted to do something different... I didn't want to stick to my own safe recipe that I always make.. Hence, I figured out Neapolitan cupcakes would do the trick.. This would be the 2nd time Im doing the recipe but this time around, no buttercream on it.. I remember it to be a very nice firm cupcake.. Martha Stewart recipe never goes wrong.. :) I put one dot of buttercream to act a glue to for the flower decoration... It turn out to be very pretty and delicious too.. I totally digg it.. If only I had coloured the buttercream green.. Then it could be like leaves.. Cool rite.. haha..
After the tiring feat, I packed it away into those individual cups.. Simple and sweeeet.. I hope the people who received it love it as much as I love doing it.. Hmm.. I'll post the neapolitan recipe someday.. Just let me rest for now.. :P Oh yeah.. Thanks Wafi for helping me again..
This is for you guys/girls reading this... I mean the picture above of my pretty pretty cupcake.. haha.. *Self-proclaimed*
~I was dying inside to hold you
Couldn't believe what I felt for you~
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